New Dasycladalean Alga from the Upper Cretaceous of the Island Pašman, Croatia

  • Rajka Radoičić
Keywords: Calcareous green alga, Dasycladales, new species, Campanian, Adriatic Carbonate Plathorm, Croatia


The minute Salpingoporella - S. pasmanica n. sp. - is described. It was found in hemipelagics limestone of the Dalmatian island Pašman, Adriatic Carbonate Platform.

How to Cite
Radoičić, R. (2002) “New Dasycladalean Alga from the Upper Cretaceous of the Island Pašman, Croatia”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 64(1), pp. 83-87. doi: 10.2298/GABP0264083R.
Original Scientific Paper