Chemistry of amphiboles and geobarometry of intermediate and acidic rocks of Serbia
Chemistry of Ca-amphiboles (Alt) and geobarometer pair Ca-amphibole/plagioclase (Al:Si) are used for determination of levels and pressures of consolidation of mainly young, Tertiary intermediate and acid calc-alkaline plutons within Inner Dinarides, the Vardar zone, and the Serbo-Macedonian massif. Geobarometry of granitic rocks are calculated according to the basis of crystallochemical composition of amphibole (AlIV, Na+K, A) and on the basis of mineral pair Am-Bt (Xk2o). Other igneous rocks, plutonic (gabbro-diorite, olivine-gabbro, gabbro-pegmatite, ultramafite) and holocrystalline volcanic, as wel as metamorphosed igneous (metasyenite, amphibolite) rocks, and enclaves, for which are existing chemistry analyses of amphiboles (plagioclases and/or biotites), are presented also, for comparation.
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