Chemistry of amphiboles and geobarometry of intermediate and acidic rocks of Serbia

  • Milenko Vukov University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade
  • Vladimir Pavlov GI RAS, Staromonetny per.35, 109017 Moskow, Russia.
Keywords: geobarometry, intermediate and acidic rocks, chemistry, Ca-amphibole, biotite, plagioclase, Serbia


Chemistry of Ca-amphiboles (Alt) and geobarometer pair Ca-amphibole/plagioclase (Al:Si) are used for determination of levels and pressures of consolidation of mainly young, Tertiary intermediate and acid calc-alkaline plutons within Inner Dinarides, the Vardar zone, and the Serbo-Macedonian massif. Geobarometry of  granitic rocks are calculated according to the basis of crystallochemical composition of amphibole (AlIV, Na+K, A) and  on the basis of mineral pair Am-Bt (Xk2o). Other igneous rocks, plutonic (gabbro-diorite, olivine-gabbro,  gabbro-pegmatite, ultramafite) and holocrystalline volcanic, as wel as metamorphosed igneous (metasyenite,  amphibolite) rocks, and enclaves, for which are existing chemistry analyses of amphiboles (plagioclases and/or biotites), are presented also, for comparation.


How to Cite
Vukov, M. and Pavlov, V. (2000) “Chemistry of amphiboles and geobarometry of intermediate and acidic rocks of Serbia”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 63(1), pp. 165-182. Available at: (Accessed: 7March2025).
Original Scientific Paper