Geohemija flogopita i biotita iz semilamprofirsko/lamprofirskih stijena Velikog Majdana, Srbija

Micas of the semilamprophyre/lamprophyric rocks from Veliki Majdan, Serbia

  • Dejan Prelević University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Dragan Milovanović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: biotite, phlogopite, geochemical themiobarometry, lamprophyre, metasomatized upper-mantle, crust, magma mixing and mingling, Veliki Majdan, Serbia


Fero-magnesian trioctahedral micas occurs in semilamprophyre/lamprophyric dykes from V. Majdan area. The jointly occurrence of phlogopites and biotites in the same rock (magma) is peculiar from petrogenetic and geochemical point of view and is hardly noticeable by routine petrographic examination. The phlogopite from V. Majdan area is highly magnesium with Mg#=0.88-0.89, and with high content of Cr2O3 up to 2.35 %. Trace elements chemistry and thermobarometer calculation suggests crystallization from metasomatized upper-mantle source. Relative to phlogopite, geochemical features of biotites from V. Majdan area are very different with much lower Mg# (0.40-0.46), lower content of Cr2O3 and higher content of Al2O3 and TiO2. Content of trace-elements and thermobarometer calculation suggests crystallization from the lower parts of the crust. This specific coexistence of two consanguine micas cannot be paragenetic suggesting mingling and mixing of two different types of magma: lamprophyric (upper mantle origin) and acid one (crustal origin).


How to Cite
Prelević, D. and Milovanović, D. (1998) “Geohemija flogopita i biotita iz semilamprofirsko/lamprofirskih stijena Velikog Majdana, Srbija”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 62(1), pp. 343-365. Available at: (Accessed: 7March2025).
Original Scientific Paper