Geološko-geohemijski model maturacija kerogena u Markovačkoj depresiju (Srbija)

Geological-geochemical model of kerogen maturation in the Markovac depression (Serbia)

  • Aleksandar Kostić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Marko Ercegovac University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: geology, geothermy, maturation, source rocks, kerogen, EASY %Ro, TTI, vitrinite reflectance, backstripping, Tertiary, Markovac, Serbia


The maturity detemiination of kerogen from the Pre-Badenian, Badenian and Sarmatian sediments from the Markovac depression was performed by the integral geological-geochemical model in order to determine the position of potential source rocks in space and time. The model is based on the present-day temperature observations, measured (%Rr) and calculated (Easy %Ro) values of the vitrinite reflectance and the calculated Time -Temperature Index (TTI) data set. The backstripping technique with decompaction in time and space was applied for the reconstruction of the burial histoiy and calculation of TTI for all relevant lithostiatigraphic units. The correlation of the applied methods for the detemiination of maturity indicates that the constructed geological-geochemical model of the Markovac depression is valid and representative one.


How to Cite
Kostić, A. and Ercegovac, M. (1998) “Geološko-geohemijski model maturacija kerogena u Markovačkoj depresiju (Srbija)”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 62(1), pp. 439-454. Available at: (Accessed: 7March2025).
Original Scientific Paper