Odnos tektonizacije i metamorfizma u paleozojskim terenima Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije
relationship between tectonisation and metamorphism in the Paleozoic of Šumadija and Western Serbia
This paper analyses the relationship between intensities of tectonisation and metamorphism degrees in rocks of the Drina-Ivanjica, the Jadar, Bukulja, and the Dičina Paleozoic terrains and in the Studenica series. Metamorphic processes were recognized which operated through three stages: first coetaneous with the Variscian folding, second with Alpine, and third with intrusion of acid plutonic bodies of Tertiary age. Semimetamorphism and transformations equivalent to the green schist and the epidote-amphibolite facies were detected on the basis of rock compositions.
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