Mikrofosili donjeg i srednjeg trijasa u jugozapadnom delu bosanskog Podrinja

Lower and Middle Triassic mcrofossils in southestern areas of Bosnian Podrinje

  • Smiljka Pantić-Prodanović Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: Lower and Middle Triassic, micropaleontology, lithology, biostratigraphy


This work presents Lower and Middle Triassic developments in a part of the southwestem Bosnian Podrinje (Sheet Ljubovija 53), the Jadar River valley, general area of Srebrenica. Micropaleontological and biostratigraphical studies have given new geological evidence. Campilian substage of the Lower Triassicand Anisian and Ladinian stages of the Middle Triassic have been established on the faunal evidence.

How to Cite
Pantić-Prodanović, S. (1995) “Mikrofosili donjeg i srednjeg trijasa u jugozapadnom delu bosanskog Podrinja”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 59(2), pp. 155-178. Available at: https://gabp.rgf.bg.ac.rs/index.php/gabp/article/view/464 (Accessed: 9March2025).
Original Scientific Paper