Ležište ceruzita Olovo (Bosna): Geološke i mineraloško-geohemijske karakteristike

The Cerussite Deposit Olovo, Bosnia: Geological and Mineralogical-geohemical Characteristics

  • Adam Dangić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: cerussite deposit, Triassic, geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, electron microprobe, Olovo, Dinarides, Bosnia


Olovo deposit in NE Bosnia is in the westem part of the zone of carbonate lead ore deposits in Triassic limestones, extending through westem Serbia and eastem Bosnia. The deposit is situated 3 km south of Olovo town, in a karst plateau traversed by the Bioštica River canyon. There are more than thirty typical vein ore bodies localized in Upper and Middle Triassic limestones and concentrated in the zone about 6 km long and about 2.5 km wide. Ore veins much vary in size (lengths from n x 10 m to about 2 km, thicknesses from n x 10 cm to n x m) and are complex in structure. The ore is composed of cerussite and calcite but locally, in parts of some veins, appears also galena. Results of X-ray, microscopic, chemical, and spectrochemical analyses, electron microprobe studies of various ore types, as well as isotope studies of ores and surrounding rocks are presented and discussed in the paper.

How to Cite
Dangić, A. (1995) “Ležište ceruzita Olovo (Bosna): Geološke i mineraloško-geohemijske karakteristike”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 59(2), pp. 275-297. Available at: https://gabp.rgf.bg.ac.rs/index.php/gabp/article/view/472 (Accessed: 9March2025).
Original Scientific Paper