Mogućnost kompleksne interpretacije biostratigrafskih, magnetostratigrafskih, seizmostratigrafskih i sedimentoloških proučavanja pliocenskih sedimenata u Severnom Banatu

Complex interprretacion of biostratigraphical, magnetostratigraphical, seismostratigraphical and sedimentological studies of Pliocene sediments in Northern Banat

  • Milena Djurašinović-Gavrilović 120-6615 Telford Ave., BURNABAY B. C. VSH Canada.
  • Željko Kirin Novi Sad, Serbia.
  • Dragoljub Stefanović Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Nadežda Gajić Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Milorad Dimitrijević Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: Pannonian Basin, Yugoslavia, Banat, magnetostratigraphy, stratigraphy, seismostratigraphy, sedimentology, geophysical induction log, filtering, correlation, interpretation


Specific faunai development in a relatively limited area of the Pannonian Basin, transboundary area of Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary in northem Banat, is increasing the difficulty of an integrate interpretation for the lack of correlation with large regions or global stratigraphic divisions. Multidisciplinary modem studies greatly help in reducing the difficulty. Some fifty metres of a drill—core was experimentally examined. All results, which could be analysed by the Fourier transformation method and the filtering method (Autocorrelation, Walsh and Hanning Filters), were studied and subject of a synthetic analysis. The results allowed an complex interpretation, though the examined core length was small, and oversize specimens from sieves were used for long intervals.

How to Cite
Djurašinović-Gavrilović, M., Kirin, Željko, Stefanović, D., Gajić, N. and Dimitrijević, M. (1995) “Mogućnost kompleksne interpretacije biostratigrafskih, magnetostratigrafskih, seizmostratigrafskih i sedimentoloških proučavanja pliocenskih sedimenata u Severnom Banatu”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 59(2), pp. 397-412. Available at: (Accessed: 9March2025).
Original Scientific Paper